Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Cancer, is a cure possible?

There is apparently no reason why man should be suffering from diseases !  The Creator  has done everything  possible to protect  him from diseases

. Man is blessed with two layers of immune system - the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system .In addition to these immune systems the human body has countless reserves      which are amazing in their operations. Unfortunately, the human body accumulates several kinds of toxins  as a result of metabolism. These toxins are the inevitable by-products of the complex bio-chemical processes taking place in the body . These toxins are detoxified in the liver and excreted through urine and sweat . The body's capacity for self-adjustment and self-repair is nothing short of a marvel!But in spite of all the powers of his body the modern man is  a prey to illnesses! Isn't it a pity?

We should put  the blame squarely at the door of our technology-driven civilization . The human body, as we have seen' has a built-in mechanism for self repair and self-adjustment. It has also a built-in mechanism for the removal of toxins The toxins the body eliminates are the toxins the body produces  through metabolism . What about the toxins produced   in the human body as a result of man's reckless life-style? The body is not evolved to deal with these toxins . These toxins come from the various prescription drugs ,  alcohol ,artificial foods , synthetic hormones genetically modified grains that man consumes .The presence of these of these man-made toxins interferes with the body's immune system

Researches are agreed that cancer is caused by damage to DNA and the consequent uncontrolled cell division . It seems s the Creator had foreseen it , and that is why He has placed DNA safely tucked away in the nucleus   of cells ! It seems that cancer is the natural reaction to damage to DNA as a resutl of prolonged   exposure to toxins in the body

Prevention is better than cure . This proverb is relevant while we think of combating  cancer . Since  the start of the Industrial Revolution the  atmosphere  has been warming to unacceptable levels Global warming has already exterminated several species of organisms from the face of the earth Let us not trust technology-driven civilization ! A return to nature alone can ensure for us a life of health and happiness .

Thank you for visiting
Prof V.P.Rajappan

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